Sorry to thread hog... but, I realized I didn't share my coming out story for my family... it's funny, I'll keep it short:)
My sister, by virtue of going to the same high school as me, had known I was a homo before my parents did. She annoyed me for months to tell them, insisting that I tell them or else she would. They came to visit me one weekend at college, about a month into my freshman year, and I had decided that that would be the time I was going to tell them. All of my gay friends gave me advice to do it in a public place, so I chose the classy establishment known as Ponderosa Steakhouse. So, while enjoying our $7.99 a person buffet, my sister was kicking me under the table, trying to get me to say it. So, in my nervousness, this is what came out of my mouth:
"So, you know how I love going to school here? It's cuz I'm gay and everyone accepts me.... this macaroni is bland, can you pass the salt?"
About 5 seconds of silence followed, during which, my parents looked at each other, then at me... my Dad reaches for the salt, puts it on the table in front of me, and says "So, what took you so long to tell us?" followed by my mother "We've known for a while, probably before you did." LOL
They've always been supportive of that aspect of my life (moreso than the time and money I've spent on coaching in the past, ironically enough)... my Mom buys me gay shirts and has an HRC sticker on the back of her car. She is bffs with a gay guy at work, and the two of them gossip about all of my lesbian characteristics. My Dad tried relentlessly to set me up on a date with one of his female co-workers, and once commented on a Girl's Gone Wild commercial "Hey, we should get that." (Welcome to my life lol) They love my girlfriend, and we probably spend 2 nights a week with them, going to dinner or watching a movie, or whatever. My girlfriend's Mom lives 4 hours away from us, but we see her 1-2 times a month. She calls me often, and posts love notes on my facebook lol
I think neither of our parents really knew what a long term "lesbian relationship" would look like, but now that they see we are no different than they are, it feels comfortable to them. Actually, I would maintain that we're better lol... My girlfriend and I pack each other coffee, breakfast, lunch, and snacks for work every day. We cook dinner together, we shop together, we build furniture together, we do laundry together, we go to the same drs appts, take turns driving places, etc. Everything is balanced and equal, and I don't know that many hetero couples have something quite like that. :)