All-Star New Nca Rule. No Sandbagging!

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What if your gym is having a non-travel year and they put together one special team just to go to this competition?

I don't think it said anywhere that gyms had to "travel". I think a local comp would satisy the requirement. I know our gym goes to no competition that require flying on an airplane, besides Worlds. Are there any gyms anywhere that have a full season of no competing? How would you even stay in business?
I love the effort they are making toward eliminating/reducing 'sandbagging'.

Question; would it be considered "dropping" a level if a Youth 5 decided to compete Youth 5 Restricted? Same for Senior? Or what about a Junior 5 that wanted to compete Senior 5 Restricted?

I am just curious if a change to "restricted" division would be considered a true "drop".
I love the effort they are making toward eliminating/reducing 'sandbagging'.

Question; would it be considered "dropping" a level if a Youth 5 decided to compete Youth 5 Restricted? Same for Senior? Or what about a Junior 5 that wanted to compete Senior 5 Restricted?

I am just curious if a change to "restricted" division would be considered a true "drop".
In my eyes, Level 5 and resitrcted 5 are 2 different levels.
Yes, gyms will probably be able to be creative and flout the intent of the rule, especially these first few years, but the point is they will have to make that conscious effort. They can no longer act as though it is no big deal- either to the parents or, frankly, themselves. As someone earlier stated, I am just happy NCA is letting it be known that it is not acceptable to "stack the deck" to better your chances of winning. And this should not hurt those gyms that realized they bit off more than they could chew in their initial assessment of their level, surely they would have realized their error before NCA rolls around and will have already moved down.
I love the effort they are making toward eliminating/reducing 'sandbagging'.

Question; would it be considered "dropping" a level if a Youth 5 decided to compete Youth 5 Restricted? Same for Senior? Or what about a Junior 5 that wanted to compete Senior 5 Restricted?

I am just curious if a change to "restricted" division would be considered a true "drop".

this may be a stupid question (although to some I'm notorious for my lack of intelligence on here) but I thought Y5 became Youth Restricted 5? Like.. there is no more Y5 that allows doubles and standing fulls?
this may be a stupid question (although to some I'm notorious for my lack of intelligence on here) but I thought Y5 became Youth Restricted 5? Like.. there is no more Y5 that allows doubles and standing fulls?
I thought there were both Y5 and YR5 for a few more years.
What is that saying? "to be the best, you have to beat the best" with this rule you will have to compete at that level more than once, yes you may be the best competitor at that lower level, but it might deter more parents from allowing it be cause they love to say, " oh my cp is level 5" but I know they won't love following that statement with "well, most of the time, honestly they can do those things, but their coach has more faith in them in level 4"
Maybe I missed it somewhere but does this still allow teams to move up a division? Say a Senior Restricted 5 wanted to enter the Small Senior division at NCA to try for a bid, would they be allowed to? I figure it is just for dropping a level but want to make sure.
Love this rule!
I know it isn't going to put a complete stop to sandbagging, but it wil lower it!
I think the rule should be less of "have you competed at any other competitions in this level?" and more of "which level have you mostly been competing in?" that way, if a team goes to 3-4 competitions before NCA, competes 3 of them as level 4, one as level 3, they are still penalized.
I was just about to post a similar post when I saw you beat me to it lol. Totally agree!!!!!!
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I was just about to post a similar post when I saw you beat me to it lol. Totally agree!!!!!!

In a perfect world that would be ideal but realistically there is no way to monitor that. This way is a legit first step.
so, another devils advocate...

how many athletes need to change before you can say its a different team all together competing for the first time? or if you don' bring your Sr2 team to dallas but have your Sr3 compete in 2.

or at a local cheap regional with free cross overs- cross over the whole team to whatever other level.

or Sandbag the comp before Dallas too and play it as getting the lower level routine down before going to Nationals.

I think its a great rule! I couldn't imagine trying to adjust our Sr 3 routine to a level 2 routine, sure the tumbling is no biggie, but the stunts would have to just be a completely different stunt and our pyramid isn't even remotely legal at 3, I think the Preps are the only element that are legal at 2.
Just pick the right level and stick with it!