Oh boy! As you become used to the board you will find that
cupieqt is one of the nicest people around here, I think this was a little OTT. An old thread was resurrected,
Just-a-Mom posted to that effect and yet the posts continued. There has been an influx of newbies recently that are not reading the board rules and just posting any old thing, any old where. It does get tiring reading the same old 'mistakes' time after time. When I joined I stayed silent for a good couple of months, reading everything and working out how this place operates. I made the odd post here and there but I learnt from other peoples mistakes. Unfortunately there were LOTS and this is only increasing. I applaud the mods on here, if I were them I would be banning people left, right and centre. You made a posting error - BAN, you sound like a Suzie - BAN, you can't use there/their/they're correctly - BAN, You Use Obnoxious Typing Like This, oR lyKKe DiS - BAN, BAN, BAN!!!! There would be virtually no one left ;)
All messaging boards/forums operate differently, I think it is respectful when you join one, to find out their specific rules and idiosyncrasies before you make a fool of yourself or annoy the other posters. In the same way you told her she could have ignored your post, you could have ignored hers. She is the one with the experience and the respect from the other members. At the moment newbies are mainly just irritating, until they're not newbies any more ;)
Drop it, simply just drop it.