I don't know anything about hockey or soccer. But i do know they have appeals processes (thanks, google!)
And I do know irish dance. Their rules are very black and white - and leave no room for teachers' or directors' personal (hurt) feelings to dictate the release. Irish dance has no off season. Even cheer has more of an off season than irish dance. It just goes, year round. You can take a break from competing whenever, but there is no official break in competition season. The closest they have is that January 1st is when someone would change levels, based on the previous year's placements at competition.
The rule is simple: if you change irish dance schools, you cannot compete for 6 months. No release needed, you just can't register for a competition for 6 months from the date you submit - in writing - your new registration at your new school (you submit it the irish dance equivalent of the usasf).
The difference: it's the governing body making the decision (not angry coaches), there's an appeals process, and there are clearly outlined exceptions. These are things like:
- the class you were taking at their school is no longer offered (cheer equivalent = no more level appropriate team)
- death of your teacher (no real cheer equivalent - most cheer teams have many coaches, and they're not "tied" to the student as they are in irish dance)
- Moving far enough away that the commute is no longer reasonable (cheer equivalent = the same)
- the teacher does not maintain certifications, or is replaced by a teacher that is not certified (cheer equivalent = no certified coaches anymore)
- a "significant change in staff" - most teachers that the student started with are no longer there (cheer equivalent = couldn't happen because coaches come and go on a whim. This would be too much to track. Irish dance teachers stay for 20+ years at a time)
Just saying it's not impossible to add reasonable restraints to the rule.
What I'm confused about is why are people not answering that? Everyone keeps posting about why there is a rule, and why 6 months is enough time to male a decision. But I'm confused... I don't get why there is a problem with outlining a few scenarios where a release would not be needed?
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