All-Star Twerk Ban

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I just wanted to say that while I don't agree with everything that you've said...and it all could be because I really don't care about Twerk-Gate seriously, ....but I appreciate your intelligent and well thought out responses. The academic in me lives for arguments that can actually be substantiated with research from some sort of academic standpoint whether I agree or disagree....and in this instance truly care.

Wow, thanks a lot; I really appreciate it! In reality, it would be very difficult for me to care any less about what type of dance moves a gym in Oklahoma bans. I don't live anywhere near Oklahoma. I don't go to clubs. I've attempted to twerk maybe 3 times in my life. I just get bothered by how reactionary people are to just about every hot-button issue there is. I was hoping that if I could get people to recognize that if something as silly as twerking teenagers can have multiple (valid) viewpoints, then maybe in the future, those same people would be less willing to oversimplify issues that actually can and do significantly influence our lives, whether it be gun control, nuclear power, etc. The world is a rainbow of gray, and that's a-okay!
I cracked myself up with that one. I really wish that little cow head had a sideways, twerking cow booty attached to him. I'd just post it all over this thread. Beware the twerking cow kids!

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Unfortunately real cows haven't caught on to twerking and this personcow isn't even good at it.....but close enough?
You shouldn't be upset with my criticisms of your posts. You don't even know me, or I you, so my sarcasm and digs aren't exactly personal. I just think your core concepts are a bit ludicrous. I don't need my teenagers to think critically about the evolution of twerking. I need them to think critically about the everyday choices they make.

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I don't think it's unreasonable to be annoyed when the vast majority of the responses in this thread aren't actual criticisms of what I've had to say, but just oversimplifications and sarcastic remarks as a ploy to get more shimmies. I guess I should have taken the audience of the FierceBoard into better consideration.

What possible harm is there in getting people to think rationally about anything-- including twerking? It's not like the government sets a limit to how much reason its citizens can use in a day. It's the principle of critically thinking about twerking that's been continually ignored, and that's what's been bothering me so much. Odds are, if people are willing to take the limited time to think critically about something as silly as twerking, then they'll be even more prepared to think rationally about the choices that do affect them on a regular basis.
I don't think it's unreasonable to be annoyed when the vast majority of the responses in this thread aren't actual criticisms of what I've had to say, but just oversimplifications and sarcastic remarks as a ploy to get more shimmies. I guess I should have taken the audience of the FierceBoard into better consideration.

What possible harm is there in getting people to think rationally about anything-- including twerking? It's not like the government sets a limit to how much reason its citizens can use in a day. It's the principle of critically thinking about twerking that's been continually ignored, and that's what's been bothering me so much. Odds are, if people are willing to take the limited time to think critically about something as silly as twerking, then they'll be even more prepared to think rationally about the choices that do affect them on a regular basis.

Why else would I post on fierceboard other than to get shimmies? Duh.

And you seriously can't get past the critical thinking part? How long did it take you to critically think up that reply? Here's a critical thought, stop preaching about critically thinking about twerking. It's not even the topic of the thread. The thread is about one gyms policy concerning videos on social media.

You have very intelligent posts but the topic is just way off. The policy regarding posting videos of twerking is a directive to athletes. This directive causes them to stop, and *think critically*, so there ya go. All the critical thinking you are so passionately arguing for.

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Why else would I post on fierceboard other than to get shimmies? Duh.

And you seriously can't get past the critical thinking part? How long did it take you to critically think up that reply? Here's a critical thought, stop preaching about critically thinking about twerking. It's not even the topic of the thread. The thread is about one gyms policy concerning videos on social media.

You have very intelligent posts but the topic is just way off. The policy regarding posting videos of twerking is a directive to athletes. This directive causes them to stop, and *think critically*, so there ya go. All the critical thinking you are so passionately arguing for.

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You seriously don't understand how they're related?

As I've said before, I legitimately appreciate that Twist and Shout is trying to look out for its kids. I can certainly appreciate the intent of the ban. But the whole point of this thread was to ask people their opinions about the specifics of this particular policy. You can't have a discussion about whether or not the policy is "on-point" or "over-the-top" without discussing what exactly it is that the owners are banning and why they feel the need to do so in the first place. If the original point of this thread was to have a general discussion about gym owners interfering with athlete's social media, then yeah, all my comments about the objective sexuality of twerking would be totally off topic.

The problem with your argument is that an outright ban on this type of social media content doesn't actually encourage any sort of critical thinking about what they're doing. By instituting a policy that says "This is unequivocally wrong. There is no room for compromise", the athletes don't have any reason to think about how and why they're doing a particular action for any other real reason than that they will be punished if they don't obey. That is why I feel this policy, while having good intentions, is misguided, and doesn't actually solve anything.
The only thing I've insisted on is encouraging people to understand that issues, even ones as silly as twerking, can be complex. Thinking critically is a valuable skill to have for any and all situations. If you think my arguments are boring, that's fine. I'm not trying to be the next JK Rowling. But a distaste for my prose doesn't invalidate my argument, which seems to be the reason why you've criticized my intelligence, my vocabulary, and my writing style instead of the core concepts that I've addressed.

If you can't actually analyze what I've said and respond to it, then you're right, we absolutely have nothing to discuss.

When/why did this become a discussion about academia? You want to "school" us and show how smart you are. You're smart, proud of you. Probably captain of the debate team. It's really more black and white than you would like to think. You either think twerking is tacky or you don't. No major college degree needed to understand that. Heck, I'm just a dumb hick with no college degree and I get that. You can (and will, I'm quite sure) disagree and go into a long discussion that goes on ad nauseum about why I'm wrong. But we just simply disagree. Easy as that.

You seem to like to argue your point, and I'm not sure this is the forum for that. I could be wrong, but I think most people reading this thread are just rolling their eyes.

I will say, in a different arena, I would be quite impressed by your critical thinking and arguments, say in a courtroom. Here, well, I just feel you're being condescending.
That is why I feel this policy, while having good intentions, is misguided, and doesn't actually solve anything.
I think since you no longer think like a teenager (who at 13 still does not have full access to the prefrontal cortex of their brain) you don't understand the need for explicit directions for youngsters. They have to be told what not to do sometimes because they're still-developing brains can't fully comprehend consequences for actions. They might whine and be upset about it but if they do, they're the ones that needed to hear the rule --in black and white-- in the first place.

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The problem with your argument is that an outright ban on this type of social media content doesn't actually encourage any sort of critical thinking about what they're doing. By instituting a policy that says "This is unequivocally wrong. There is no room for compromise", the athletes don't have any reason to think about how and why they're doing a particular action for any other real reason than that they will be punished if they don't obey. That is why I feel this policy, while having good intentions, is misguided, and doesn't actually solve anything.

I'm sure you won't respect this but I really don't expect my 9-10 year old to critically think about rules. Here's what they need to know. The adults in charge think that this "dance" is completely inappropriate because it looks extremely sexual. Therefore you don't do it and put it out for the world to see. Once said children are adults, they are welcome to critically think about and completely break down each rule and decide if they agree or disagree. Until then, a private company can absolutely set rules and I will choose whether or not my minor child/ren will do business with the company.

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:wham:forgot this was a smiley. and this is how this thread now makes me feel.
I think since you no longer think like a teenager (who at 13 still does not have full access to the prefrontal cortex of their brain) you don't understand the need for explicit directions for youngsters. They have to be told what not to do sometimes because they're still-developing brains can't fully comprehend consequences for actions. They might whine and be upset about it but if they do, they're the ones that needed to hear the rule --in black and white-- in the first place.

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Well, I'm 19, so I still technically think like a teenager ; It obviously wasn't too long since that I was in the age group Twist and Shout is primarily focusing on. Even as a young teenager, I was never satisfied with being demanded to do something solely "because I [the adult] said so". I know that this sort of response is necessary for young children who wouldn't be able to understand the actual reasoning even if you were to explain it to them, but young teens? I can understand demanding the implementation of strong privacy settings--you're right in that the younger teens probably can't comprehend the consequences of having all of your information be public. However, I don't think they're incapable of reasonably questioning the implementation of something as specific as a "No Twerk" policy.
I talked to a parent about this today, and she brought up a good point - twerking doesn't make girls sexually active. I don't know a single cheerleader who got pregnant while cheering. I'm sure it's happened, but not at my house.

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