All-Star Twerk Ban

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I talked to a parent about this today, and she brought up a good point - twerking doesn't make girls sexually active. I don't know a single cheerleader who got pregnant while cheering. I'm sure it's happened, but not at my house.

Good point mama. I know twerking doesn't make them sexually active, it just makes them look like they are.

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I consider myself to be someone with an extensive vocabulary, and who appreciates the vast variety of options when it comes to the English language.

Maybe it's the dehydration headache I'm sporting, or the fact that I spent an unnecessary amount of time on a bus coming into the Lincoln Tunnel, but the dialogue in this thread is starting to hurt my brain. And not in the mind-blowing way, but in the mind-numbing superiority way. This thread is WAY more simple than the discussion has become.
Well, I'm 19, so I still technically think like a teenager ; It obviously wasn't too long since that I was in the age group Twist and Shout is primarily focusing on. Even as a young teenager, I was never satisfied with being demanded to do something solely "because I [the adult] said so". I know that this sort of response is necessary for young children who wouldn't be able to understand the actual reasoning even if you were to explain it to them, but young teens? I can understand demanding the implementation of strong privacy settings--you're right in that the younger teens probably can't comprehend the consequences of having all of your information be public. However, I don't think they're incapable of reasonably questioning the implementation of something as specific as a "No Twerk" policy.

You've definitely proven you're still thinking like a teenager (with a fine education for sure). The contentious posts are proof of that. Whether its an argument about buttocks not being inherently sexual body parts or a dance being performed for sexual intentions or just the silliness of adults saying "because I said so", you're quite good at the argumentative teenager bit.
And several adults (and young adults and teenagers) have posted some good reasons other than "I said so" in support of the policy. Rules and disciplines. They're in place for a reason and questioning them is fine, but learning from them is, wait for it....critical.

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I'm sure you won't respect this but I really don't expect my 9-10 year old to critically think about rules. Here's what they need to know. The adults in charge think that this "dance" is completely inappropriate because it looks extremely sexual. Therefore you don't do it and put it out for the world to see. Once said children are adults, they are welcome to critically think about and completely break down each rule and decide if they agree or disagree. Until then, a private company can absolutely set rules and I will choose whether or not my minor child/ren will do business with the company.

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No, I totally agree that 9-10 year olds don't necessarily need to have advanced critical thinking abilities. But the age group that tend to be posting the sort of things that presented the issue doesn't tend to consist of 9-10 year olds, but of teenagers who CAN be expected to have a considerable level of critical thinking skills. Of course, the parents still have ultimate authority over their kids, but that doesn't mean that the parents and the kids themselves can't have a balanced opinion about the issue. They'll obviously still have to respect their gym/parents' rules, but I'd say that it's still worthwhile for them to be able to think about why they have to do something, even if they don't agree with it.
I consider myself to be someone with an extensive vocabulary, and who appreciates the vast variety of options when it comes to the English language.

Maybe it's the dehydration headache I'm sporting, or the fact that I spent an unnecessary amount of time on a bus coming into the Lincoln Tunnel, but the dialogue in this thread is starting to hurt my brain. And not in the mind-blowing way, but in the mind-numbing superiority way. This thread is WAY more simple than the discussion has become.

Kristenthegreat you summed up in one nice little paragraph my exact feelings on the direction of this thread. It's just plain comical. Darling, you have such a wonderful way with words.

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When/why did this become a discussion about academia? You want to "school" us and show how smart you are. You're smart, proud of you. Probably captain of the debate team. It's really more black and white than you would like to think. You either think twerking is tacky or you don't. No major college degree needed to understand that. Heck, I'm just a dumb hick with no college degree and I get that. You can (and will, I'm quite sure) disagree and go into a long discussion that goes on ad nauseum about why I'm wrong. But we just simply disagree. Easy as that.

You seem to like to argue your point, and I'm not sure this is the forum for that. I could be wrong, but I think most people reading this thread are just rolling their eyes.

I will say, in a different arena, I would be quite impressed by your critical thinking and arguments, say in a courtroom. Here, well, I just feel you're being condescending.

I sincerely apologize if what I've been saying has been coming off as condescending and pretentious. When I came into this thread, I wasn't thinking "Hah! Look at all you stupid plebeians! I, Captain Academia, will teach you about how the real world works!" I've been a member of the Fierceboard for years, and have a great respect for many of the posters here. In fact, I wrote about my love of the Fierceboard for one of my college applications!

I never wanted to have some big ole discussion about twerking. I think it's totally fine if people think it's gross; that's their prerogative. What was concerning me was the general attitude of "Twerking is 100% sexual and immoral and you're wrong if you feel otherwise". I just think it's really important to at least genuinely understand and respect other peoples' opinions, even if you don't necessarily agree with them. I think the importance of understanding and appreciating why people believe what they believe is much more of a black-and-white issue than twerking.
I sincerely apologize if what I've been saying has been coming off as condescending and pretentious. When I came into this thread, I wasn't thinking "Hah! Look at all you stupid plebeians! I, Captain Academia, will teach you about how the real world works!" I've been a member of the Fierceboard for years, and have a great respect for many of the posters here. In fact, I wrote about my love of the Fierceboard for one of my college applications!

I never wanted to have some big ole discussion about twerking. I think it's totally fine if people think it's gross; that's their prerogative. What was concerning me was the general attitude of "Twerking is 100% sexual and immoral and you're wrong if you feel otherwise". I just think it's really important to at least genuinely understand and respect other peoples' opinions, even if you don't necessarily agree with them. I think the importance of understanding and appreciating why people believe what they believe is much more of a black-and-white issue than twerking.

See but no one ever said that ^.
You took little things and blew them way out of proportion.

I'm gonna have to go back and read, but I'm pretty sure everyone just agreed that the gyms policy concerning the fad of posting videos of doing this naughty little dance was a good idea. You're the only one who took it to extremes.

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@cupieqt, mccracal did type pRerogative, both Rs, which has to be worth something...
When/why did this become a discussion about academia? You want to "school" us and show how smart you are. You're smart, proud of you. Probably captain of the debate team. It's really more black and white than you would like to think. You either think twerking is tacky or you don't. No major college degree needed to understand that. Heck, I'm just a dumb hick with no college degree and I get that. You can (and will, I'm quite sure) disagree and go into a long discussion that goes on ad nauseum about why I'm wrong. But we just simply disagree. Easy as that.

You seem to like to argue your point, and I'm not sure this is the forum for that. I could be wrong, but I think most people reading this thread are just rolling their eyes.

I will say, in a different arena, I would be quite impressed by your critical thinking and arguments, say in a courtroom. Here, well, I just feel you're being condescending.
I just earned my doctorate in April and this thread bored the twerk out of me three pages ago.

I could say that in multi-syllabic iambic pentameter....but I've got nachos to eat.


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See but no one ever said that ^.
You took little things and blew them way out of proportion.

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Ah geez, I wasn't trying to insinuate that people actually felt like that about me to that actual degree. Sarcasm really doesn't translate all that well over the internet.

You've definitely proven you're still thinking like a teenager (with a fine education for sure). The contentious posts are proof of that. Whether its an argument about buttocks not being inherently sexual body parts or a dance being performed for sexual intentions or just the silliness of adults saying "because I said so", you're quite good at the argumentative teenager bit.
And several adults (and young adults and teenagers) have posted some good reasons other than "I said so" in support of the policy. Rules and disciplines. They're in place for a reason and questioning them is fine, but learning from them is, wait for it....critical.

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Well, I'll be 20 in about a month, and judging from my immediate and extended family, my "argumentative" nature has much more to do with genetics than age.

You're right; a couple people actually took the time to show they had actually considered what I said, but disagreed and reasonably explained their perspective. I acknowledged that I appreciated and respected those types of perspectives, and I always will. The majority of the responses to my comments, however, weren't interested in giving those types of informed perspectives. What I took issue with were the posters who made blanket comments that would state (as if a fact of nature) that twerking is objectively sexual and inappropriate. There have been plenty of posters who, without taking the time to respond my position, would ignore my arguments and call me an idiot (cough cough). This argument never would have happened if certain posters didn't insist on oversimplifying a relatively complex, albeit silly, issue. Here's all this thread needed to be:

Person A: Opinion
Person B: I understand and respect why you feel that way. However, based on my experience and understanding of the situation, I feel {insert contrasting opinion}.
Person A: I still feel this way because {insert perspective}, but I understand and respect your personal perspective.
Person B: Cool, now let's get back to criticizing ugly uniforms.
I talked to a parent about this today, and she brought up a good point - twerking doesn't make girls sexually active. I don't know a single cheerleader who got pregnant while cheering. I'm sure it's happened, but not at my house.

I don't really understand this. Lots of things don't cause girls to be sexually active. But that doesn't mean it's cute or that I'll allow it. Slutty clothes don't cause girls to be sexually active - I still don't let my under 18 child dress trashy. No one said it causes sexual activity - just that it looks trashy. @cupieqt said it perfectly - no, it just makes them look like they are.

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Omg I'm now laughing so hard I'm crying. My extremely straight laced, business person, non parent sister didn't know what twerking is so she is now watching a video on how to twerk. Um...I'm thinking of making a video of her face while she's watching this.

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Omg I'm now laughing so hard I'm crying. My extremely straight laced, business person, non parent sister didn't know what twerking is so she is now watching a video on how to twerk. Um...I'm thinking of making a video of her face while she's watching this.

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But at least now she'll never make fun of you for posting on Fierceboard because of our intellectual discussions.

The Fierce Board! Where one day you're in and the next day you're talked about.
Kristenthegreat you summed up in one nice little paragraph my exact feelings on the direction of this thread. It's just plain comical. Darling, you have such a wonderful way with words.

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:D It's funny, because it is only on the boards that I'm this succinct. In life, I speak in such a roundabout way that it takes someone who is familiar with my thought patterns/topic connectors to understand me. :oops:

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