- Jan 5, 2011
- 5,960
- 21,288
Oh, and @amanda , you cannot post on here and not expect to be picked apart. Everyone is, and you have to defend your opinion. So don't complain about it. Thanks.
Thank you. ;)
Does anyone feel as though WORLDS has made the AS cheerleading world a little crazy? I am very disappointed and feel saddend that competitions seem to only be about a race to worlds. I have many reasons as to why i feel this way...here they are. let me know if any of you agree...
I personal think you are RUDE! if you have nothing nice to say than please dont post here! All you did in this whole post was twist my words around to fit your negative vibe...take it as it is this is just MY opinion. I didn't ask for yours! Worlds is a joke now a days because of all the HORRIBLE teams there. and yes i said HORRIBLE i am not talking about the good ones that dropped, or got hurt, im talking about the ones who need to get better choreographers or drop to level 4! I know who they are and i know what teams are good but performed bad. theres a difference between a bad performance and a plain old Horrible routine! But thank you for all your kind worlds! Thank you for manipulating all my worlds! i had a great time please come back again!
Actually, you did ask for opinions. Re-read your first post. (I've bolded the parts where you asked us what we thought for you)
And stop getting so worked up. It's a message board. We all express opinions. One thing I've learned on here is that there's no reason to get so upset--just because we disagree on this one thing we may agree on 10 other things in other threads. As @kingston and I both pointed out you said 2 different things in your post--you don't think it's then fair for us to ask about it? If you didn't want anyone to disagree with you, then you should probably A) post this on Facebook where only your friends will comment or B) not start your post with "Does anyone feel..."
And I didn't "throw" Shooting Stars in your face. I actually quoted SOMEONE ELSE when I posted about them, and all I was saying was not even the GREATEST teams always get bids in the first 3 competitions of the season.
And last of all, you may want to just lurk around some of these threads and you'll see we DON'T call teams horrible on here. Maybe on other boards they do, but people on here don't take too kindly to people referring to KIDS that work hard as "horrible". And if you're going to say things like that, be prepared for people to jump all over you. If you look around you'll see I'm actually one of the more tactful people on here when it comes to disagreeing.
Thanks, and I will come again.