@GVAD_bradyelizabeth said it best, with the new scoring system, gymnasts and spectators alike are favouring Shawn's style, it scores higher (with the exception of bars), and is actually quite remarkable what she can do physically. Most people no longer appreciate Nastia's BEAUTIFUL style, it seems to be a style lost to the good ol' days.. pre-04.
Yes @
MDMARLINS_SHANNONRENEE*, you are quite out of line making bold statements like you did, and yes, they did come off rude. I could not care less if you were a level 8 or 9 gymnast, or whether you were elite, there are tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of gymnasts in the USA, so to say "9/10 gymnasts don't like Nastia", like @
carolinagirl823 is a bigger statement than you're capable of making.
Personally, I have seen a larger favouring to Shawn's style, it's the same reason gymnasts like Jordyn Weiber and Alicia Sacramone are also loved a lot, not only by judges, but by spectators alike. With female gymnastics, people no longer care about the artistry, we care about the big tumbles (Well.. most people). Also, as I and other people have said, the gymnastics community's opinion on Nastia has NOTHING to do with her on the selection committee. She knows more about gymnastics than 99% of the people who say she shouldn't be on it, and we're acting like she'll have the same decision-making as Marta... At this point, Nastia will probably sit there, throw in her opinion every 20 minutes, it will most likely be ignored, and Marta will pick the team how she sees fit. She's a newcomer to that aspect of gymnastics, but she's an AMAZING representation of the sport (Whether you like it or not, she has one of the highest Worlds/Olympic medal counts of any female gymnast), and will continue to coach, and probably judge, in the future, so why not start her early when she's still such a relevant public figure?