kingston I also think this is a great idea. It takes care of the two biggest obstacles cheer would have to overcome in order to become an Olympic sport: overlap with gymnastics and organizational clarity when it comes to skill requirement and judging.
tumbleyoda said above, it will level the playing field and, in my opinion, make this a more viable sport to the Olympic committee. Making the sport stunt-exclusive also makes it more accessible to athletes who want to participate. Without needing to also be excellent tumblers, more athletes will be qualified for the sport AND all of the time and focus during training would be on stunts, which would end up making the skills competed at the Olympics even more difficult and exciting. It would truly be its own sport separate from both gymnastics and cheerleading as we know it.
At the same time, I think it would be great for the traditional sport of cheerleading, as it would showcase our most unique and exclusive element. Gymnastics is already an official Olympic sport and thus gymnasts are considered athletes. If stunting were accepted to the Olympics, it would be considered by the masses to be a sport and its participants would also be considered athletes. THUS, no one could deny that cheerleading, which is a combination of the two, is a sport and ITS participants real athletes.
We need to petition to get
kingston on the committee ;)