Another NJ Worlds team bites the dust. Someone on this board a long time ago predicted this would happen.
Prodigy is adding another Worlds team, Dusk.
I didn't see anything about what division or whether it is all girl or coed.
They already have for 21-22:
Tiffany - Tiny 1
Sky - Mini 2
Electric - Y3
Slate - J3
Steel - IJ4
Spotlight - J5
Moonlight - J6
Blacklight - IOC6
Midnight - MedCoed 6
Nightlight - NT COED6
Does Prodigy really have no Sr teams until Level 6? Even with the wacky age grid, it must be rare to have absolutely no high school Srs in the lower levels.
Too many divisions. This “everyone gets a trophy” thing and greed really took over the cheer world. Cheer will never be considered as an Olympic sport nor will the non cheer world take it seriously until this stops.
I get the frustration. But the non-cheer world will probably never take cheerleading that seriously, so I don't worry about them. It seems like new divisions keep being created to accommodate every gym's situation, and it really dilutes the competition. There are so many Intl divisions, Prep divisions, 4.2, U19, and divisions I didn't know existed (Open 5?), it's out of hand. Nobody outside the sport would ever be able to make heads or tails of it. But it's probably like this in many youth sports--- they purposely create a ton of divisions and a ton of winners.
There are a few too many divisions at Worlds, but at least there's good competition in every division. It's as close to an exclusive event as our sport gets. There's legitimate prestige in becoming a World Champion; you're at the top of your entire sport (although I don't think NT divisions should be at this event). Worlds might be the only competition where no team ever competes against themselves.
Then there's the Summit, where a few divisions are sparse and occasionally a team will go against themselves. The D2 Summit even has Extra Small Lvl 6 divisions, which nobody usually enters (because obviously they compete at Worlds instead). There was one XS Lvl 6 entrant at D2 Summit this year and they "won" with a disastrous score. Nobody is entering divisions like this or Open 5, yet Summit still has them. The way we give rings to Level 1s and have kids believing Summit is some sort of "Worlds for lower levels" I'm sure creates some complacency in some of the athletes, as does having hundreds of winners at every competition. But as long as all these competitions/divisions are money makers, they're here to stay.