All-Star 21-22 Teams & Divisions

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Is IASF NON-TUMBLING LEVEL 7 still closed to USA Teams?
I actually did not notice this the first time I read it but you’re exactly right.


What does petite even mean? How many inches is petite? Is that height? Weight? Do you have an exact number of pounds in mind? Inches? Are we turning away kiddos who are skilled but an inch over 5’0 or a lb over 100? Are you requesting photos?

I mean, I am not naive. I understand how cheer works and obviously a 5’8 kid on a junior team is probably best candidate for backspot and not a flyer on Mango.

But when you use words you end up having to define/operationalize them and that is a slippery slope.

I agree in the sense that "petite" doesn't provide specifics, but with that said, I don't have an issue with them stating what their needs are. I know people get insulted by this subject, but just because you don't mention it, doesn't make it any less obvious to the athlete. If you have a smaller or weaker stunt group and a flyer comes in to tryout that was transitioned into basing because the physics didn't work with their current team and they think they may have a shot at flying again, it's just going to be yet another circumstance where they're told (or realize) they aren't going to work out in that circumstance.

I think the change that needs to happen in cheer when it comes to every position, is the discussion needs to focus on "physics" and what does and doesn't work within individual stunt groups. Sometimes you do need a smaller, taller, lighter, more muscular person, but we need to stop reacting as if that is implying it's a defect if someone doesn't meet the needed criteria for the physics to work.
Stingrays Ohio teams 21-22:

Tiny Novice - Glider
Mini 1 - Delta
Youth 1 - Cessna
Youth 3 - DC3
Junior 2 - Wright Flyer
Junior 4 -Spitfire
Senior 3 - Thunderbird
Senior 5 - G5
Senior 6 - Blue Angel

Limited Travel- Concord
Danceabilities - Velocity
I did not see that coming… I never thought smoed would change divisions….like ever
I had heard about smoed a few weeks ago. I have paid almost no attention to global and have no clue who the top competitors are, though I suppose smoed will be on that list now.
I had heard about smoed a few weeks ago. I have paid almost no attention to global and have no clue who the top competitors are, though I suppose smoed will be on that list now.

I think the most recent world champ in that division is CA Crewcats? Also in that division last year: Top Gun GLOC6 and GymTyme Platinum. I think it only has about seven or eight teams total. Not as massive as some of the other open divisions.
We will probably continue to see teams going open because finding senior aged boys is like finding a needle in a haystack. If you aren’t building the talent in your lower levels I don’t even know where boys under 19 are coming from at this point. That, and I think that for teams like Smoed who can normally source a few from out of state - that is not a viable option anymore. Very few people are open to the idea of sending their child across the country for Smoed while I think California still has corona restrictions of some sort.
while I don’t disagree that the junior age grid is less than ideal, international actually is tighter than standard junior.

But- I have 16 year olds on my junior teams this year. As a coach, it’s silly not to push the high end of the age grid, in any age division. We absolutely put kids in their last year of eligibility on teams of it matches their skills. They’re likely gonna be some of the strongest assets to that team. I have 9 year old minis, 12 year old youth kids, and 16 year old juniors. But I’m also putting my bomb 9 year olds who fly and tumble on a team that is level appropriate for them even if it’s bumping them up an age group or two because it’s also way easier to stunt them.
Yes this makes sense at larger gyms. But so hard at small d2 gyms. With only 3 teams we have J1 Sr2 and Sr3.
This is what my gym does.
After tryout you get but in groups, they don't stick a level to it though. But we are not dumb, we know what group is what lol. The groups then practice for 2 weeks, the coaches have always said it is to see how consistent kids' skills are, see how the new kids receive coaching and corrections, see us conditioning, and get more abt our skill level than any 1 hr tryout can give.
From a coaching perspective, it makes sense.
From an athlete's perceptive, it causes weeks of stress and anxious feelings about what team you will get.
Our gym places athletes right after tryouts- with the note that all teams are in flux throughout the summer. And it seems to work fine. There is definitely movement but it all seems to work out. Teams are fully set by choreo.
After SMOED left small coed 6 division, I could see that BSB is going to dominate the division very well

I really cannot think of other teams in that division that may defeat BSB now
After SMOED left small coed 6 division, I could see that BSB is going to dominate the division very well

I really cannot think of other teams in that division that may defeat BSB now

Smoed has not gotten close to beating BSB in a long time. It’s probably one of the reasons they changed divisions.
Small coed six about to be the next small all girl.

Everybody remembers when small all girl was a bigger division and now it’s tiny.

I just really quickly went through a list of contenders in my head and at this point I am not even sure who is left in SMCoed6 other than BSB.

It only had 10 teams last worlds.

Midnight is medium now. Coed Elite is open. Smoed is open.

That leaves like maybe six or seven. And that’s not even counting other teams who may have gone open that we don’t know about.
Double posting but I know that Cheer Central Suns is bringing back Revolution for 21-22 but I can’t remember if they are going to be XSCoed or SmallCoed6.

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