Ok, I went and read the level 3 rules and they definitely discussed the cartwheel under the running tumbling section...they just also specify that in level 3 you have to have a round off or ro bhs entry before a tuck.
But in the level 4 rules "aerial cartwheels" are discussed in standing and running tumbling...
How contradictory is that though? A cartwheel is essentially a roundoff except landing on one foot instead of two. So for level 3 it's considered a standing skill...One must assume that that rule would be across the board then.
not necessarily a contradiction since the level 3 rules never say it considers it a standing tumbling pass, just that you can't do it in level 3. cartwheel backhandspring tuck would be legal in level 3 since a cartwheel is not considered standing tumbling. Just the way a 'standing' cartwheel series backhandsprings is legal in level 2. if it goes forward its running, backwards its standing.
for what its worth, if you have a standing double, it would be slow and maybe not super exciting but bhs stepout bwo double would be the hardest pass to a double in standing tumbling.
if you have an athlete that can whip out of doubles but not double whip double but can full whip double (that was a mouthful lol)
you could always go two to double, whip full, whip double.
I'm not saying that the rules are perfect and they don't necessarily make sense, but they are black and white in tumbling, you just have to read it word for word, and then read your pass word for word and see if they all match up.
My prefered wording for the rule that would allow two to full whip double would be something along the lines of
"A second twisting skill in the pass must follow rules A B C but not D. as long as the first twisting skill has two backwards traveling non twisting preceding it. one of which must be a backhandspring"
Since rule b still allows full full etc.... it would allow all of these passes that i have seen except one to full whip double ( i belive coed elite did these at the X evolution comp, but i could be wrong)
while this is slightly wordy, it gets the job done.
Also, for what its worth, before the clarification, you could not two to double whip double. or two to full whip double. You could only two to double or one to whip double or whip one to double. that was it.