That would be ideal, except if every level 5 worlds team is judged by the same panel that means one team is going to go every 10 minutes and that set of judges will be having to judge all day. I think no matter how good a judge they can only be so good for so long before they get tired and make mistakes (hence why their are hour breaks). If there was just 30 teams at a comp that would make sense.
I do agree Varsity has the best and most consistent scoring and things are getting more accurate across competitions and different divisions every year.
To steal a good idea from someone very smart, what if the bid decleration was:
Generally, bids are awarded to the the division winners for worlds divisions. However, if a team that does not win a division has a score high and significant enough score the EP may choose to award the bid to that team.
PS - UCA gave each coach a sheet with the average of 5 judges scores for each team in your divisions category scores. @
BlueCat would have been so proud. It was even more informative than NCA's (which was just the average of the highest and lowest score and could actually be quite misleading). Hey EP's, EVERYONE SHOULD DO THIS!!!