I've been asleep most of the day bc I'm sick- and it's not like anyone would have believed me anyway- but I knew what the top standings were gonna be in LAG, LCOED, and SAG on Sunday (and I did not watch the comp this year at all). It was my "spidey sense" (aka intuition aka psychic ability).
Many, many years ago I used to pick the winning NFL team for the Super Bowl at "random". My brother would be like, "but so and so team isn't favored, they're down a good player, etc etc" so how do you "know"? I was like "the same way mom "knows" certain things; (my mom was psychic- not the "come see into my crystal ball or pay me $3.99/min. Etc., but there were times she just KNEW something and she was always right- and this was different than her intuition.
So after a few years (and I still wasn't keeping up w/pro ball) my brother started asking me who was gonna win the Super Bowl and if I just "knew", then I'd tell him. After 5 years or so after that, it stopped coming to me (the winner), so when he called to ask I told him I didn't "know"- come to find out he had been betting on the games based on my answer during the years I just "knew" it...little bugger, he didn't even give me dime from his winnings either!!! :cow: