Also, you are misinterpreting it. The stunt would STILL be legal at level 3. It would just had additional spotters. The requirements are for the number of bases and spotters. so if you only want one person basing the others can be spotters.
no misinterpretation, as socrates put it, it still takes more people whether they are actively in the stunt or spotting.
Currently you can do an unassisted single based extended heel stretch in 3-5 with only one spotter, under this grid you have to have 3 people on the ground dedicated to the stunt.
that way your 30 person coed 4 team can put up 10 stunts or your 15-19 person level 3 team can put up a 5 stunt pyramid. or the team with 19 kids being able to put up 5 stunts
under the logic of changing the grip making it safer, then why do we need to add another spotter on top of what is currently required?
Do you guys feel that the following is Unsafe?
For levels 1-5 all cradles require at least 2 catchers, with the following exceptions:
at level 1, Cradles from prep level require 3 catchers.
at Level 2 Cradles from extension require 3 catchers.
Level 6, only requires 1 catcher for 0-1 skill cradles
Level 1, stunts at prep level require 3 attentive athletes(AA)
Level 2, Prep Level stunts require 2 AA, extended stunts need 3 AA
Level 3-5 Extended Stunts need 2 AA
Level 6 only needs 1 AA but perhaps 2 AA for free flipping entries
its simpler and slightly more restrictive than our current rules at level 1 and 2 by requiring 3 bases/catchers regardless of grip for prep and extension, respectively. Currently you can do it with only 2 depending on your grip.
The only difference at 3-5 is it takes out the spotter language which allows a double based prep or extension cradle to only have 2 catchers instead of the currently required 3 catchers for levels 3-5. Is there any real difference between a single based extension with a spotter Cradle and a double based extension Cradle? if your answer is no, then why should it require a 3rd catcher.
So it would seem to me, and according to the logic of most of the posters on this thread, that the above is Safer and much simpler than our current system also much simpler than the proposed grid since there is only below prep, at prep with Cradle and base numbers being the same, and extended versus the grid having 9 Cradle variations and 4 stunt variations.
so 3 scenarios instead of 36 scenarios.