The whole situation is so sticky. I feel for both programs. It should have been handled differently by V AND Stingrays. But what absolutely pisses me off is that V has posted results on their website without scores, and listed them as a tie, while scoresheets are floating around and it is very obviously NOT a tie. GT had nearly a two point lead- it wasn't even close. And if I'm remembering correctly, scores used to be announced and put on the big screen at Worlds. It made it feel like the Olympics and it was such a cool moment. Why is it only NOW such a big deal? And I've seen people on twitter saying that coaches have fought for confidentiality of scores and I'm just sitting here wondering why you need confidentiality...why be embarrassed by a score? If you're embarrassed, get in the gym and work twice as hard with your kids to make them have a better score. It's ridiculous. I'm just so sad because I've only just got my start into coaching over the course of the last couple years and this sport that I love so much is going down a rabbit hole driven by money. V has a monopoly and things are getting worse, not better.