I broke my ankle Nov 1, went to the ER that night and it was confirmed broke . I knew it was broke the second I did it because I heard it break as I fell down. lol I never fully told anyone that I knew personally how I did it but I broke it skipping like a skip-it with a hula hoop (sp?) haha.
They told me it was broken and put it in a splint and gave me crutches. They told me it probably would need surgery and to use the crutches for 3-5 days and then see an orthopedic surgeon. I'm sorry I'm not physically capable of using crutches. I threw them in my car and walked on the splint. (You should of seen the looks I got)
The splint was like falling apart and luckily a girl at our gym just got out of a broken ankle and had an extra air cast walking boot that she didn't use. So I never went to have it looked at again.
It fit perfectly and I used the boot for over 2 months. Finally took it off after New Years and it swells up every time I'm on my feet. Like my ankle looks like a softball everyday. It actually hurts. I kept the boot in my trunk for emergencies because I'm now all the sudden real clumsy and have fell like 8 times since then.
Day 1 of UCA I actually hurt my ankle so bad I was limping the whole time and I could barely walk. I went to my car that night when we got back to the resort and got my boot! I wore it the rest of the day and the whole next day but haven't used it since. I know sometimes people just don't know for sure and maybe think of it as a lesser injury and treat it for a few days as it appears to be better so I can totally see how it happened. If I didn't hear it break I honestly wouldn't have went to the ER but I was in tears and couldn't walk on it right after and had to crawl to my car/ crawl down the driveway and everything. Talk about embarrassing lol
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My step mom broke her ankle falling in a hole...she was non weight-bearing for over two months and had to have two surges. This was last July and she just recently got done with PT. It was crazy! And my dad broke his hand tripping over a chair in their living room lolol
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