From her coach:
Asking for prayers... our Diamond Katz, Small Sr Coed team, was excited to compete at Worlds but early Sunday morning, late Saturday night around 3am one of our athletes woke me up to say Ally was very ill and couldn't stop shaking. Since it was so late, my husband went down to the room and within minutes called to say I needed to get down there. When I arrived Ally was burning up, vomiting profusely... so we thought it might be a stomach virus. Within minutes she became unresponsive, was life squaded to a hospital near Disney and Sunday morning transferred to another hospital. She was put in ICU just a few hours ago as they cannot get her stabilized. They believe she has Toxic Shock Syndrome and they've put in a central line.
The Diamond Katz team took the floor with 19 athletes, as we had no alternates and obviously when you've trained a routine to be laid out a certain way, taking an athlete off and reworking it all in an hour isn't ideal... so hence to say, things didn't go well. But tonight, when we told them all she had been put in ICU, the performance meant nothing... they were only concerned with their teammate.
Our "competitors" not only showed concern but are keeping her in their prayers and offering their support. So, in an industry where there can be a lack of ethics and a sense of pettiness... I'm here to tell you that there are gym owners, coaches, parents and athletes who can truly see past the uniform and see another human being... and for that I am grateful. In the meantime, please pray for Ally and we will keep you posted on her condition.